The 2021 proxy season is anticipated to feature unprecedented levels of scrutiny from a range of investors and other stakeholders. During last year’s proxy season, investors understood that many companies had to temporarily switch from “sustainable” to “survival” mode, and they provided some forbearance about company performance, executive pay, meeting formats and other issues.
While we aren’t yet out of the pandemic woods, recent investor engagements indicate they are refocusing on traditional concerns such as board diversity and executive pay, as well as on longer term ESG, Human Capital, corporate culture, and related issues, and expect their portfolio companies to similarly balance short and longer term considerations.
Topics to be covered include:
- Integrating ESG as well as COVID impact disclosure into your 2021 proxy
- Enhancing your board oversight and diversity stories
- Preparing to discuss Human Capital management and its many facets (including employee health & safety, diversity & inclusion, pay and opportunity equity
- Shareholder meeting options (physical, digital, hybrid) and other ways technology can support you and promote engagement